
Journal de médecine du sport et d'études sur le dopage

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Volume 13, Problème 2 (2023)


Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes Favourable Effects on Wound Healing in Comparison to Commercial Nitric Oxide Plasma Generator

Wert Gveak

Medical care frameworks are turning out to be progressively purchaser driven. In this way, it is vital to comprehend factors that impact the patient determination cycle of a medical services supplier. Patients may find the caregivers they prefer with the help of this information from healthcare providers. A patient's experience and satisfaction with their healthcare provider can be enhanced and marketing strategies can be optimized through purposeful selection .Their impact on injury occurrence may also result from more intricate interactions, and this impact may vary depending on the individual. Because our participants did not exhibit significant negative deviations in those areas, it is possible that our program, which was intended to correct possible faulty biomechanical movement patterns and improve physical fitness, lacked a preventive effect Patients' selection of an orthopedic surgeon is also influenced in large part by recommendations from friends, family, and other doctors.


Comparison of the Results of Percutaneous Posterior Endoscopic Cervical Keyhole Surgery with Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic Surgery

Liue Write

Although treatments have been utilised for more than years, just one herb was taken in the past. These days, many people use herbal medicines, especially ladies and people with chronic illnesses. 15% to 20% of patients who use prescription drugs also utilise herbal supplements. Even if they suffer significant adverse effects, they might be hesitant to disclose to their doctors that they often use herbal remedies out of concern for retaliation. This is crucial since clinically significant adverse drug reactions have been associated to the elderly, the frail, and those who take many medications for chronic conditions. When taken with aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), or ticlopidine (Ticlid), ginkgo products can interact and result in bleeding.

article de recherche

Gender Differences in Drug Abuse or Dietary Supplement Use in Japanese Colligate Athletes

Masato Takahashi

Background: The doping control tests have identified several cases of drug abuse in sports in Japan. In particular, drug abuse by collegiate athletes is a major problem. Furthermore, there is a high prevalence of drug supplement use in young athletes. Therefore, social interventions are required to prevent drug abuse and dietary supplement use in sports. However, these issues have remained unexplored in Japan.

Aim: We explored the state of drug abuse and dietary supplement use in sports as well as the attitude toward it during in young individuals, particularly colligate athletes. We also evaluated the sex differences between collegiate athletes in terms of the state of drug abuse in sports and attitude toward it in Japan. Our results may suggest the need to modify the anti-doping or anti-drug abuse policies in sports according to the sex difference.

Methods: This study included almost 500 collegiate athletes (16.7% females) from a Japanese physical education university. The study questionnaire was administered to students enrolled in sports medicine or health care studies classes. The questionnaire evaluated the state of drug abuse and dietary supplement use in sports, as well as the attitude toward doping.

Results: There were no sex differences between responses to the questionnaire, except for the use of dietary supplement use. Furthermore, there were no significant sex differences in the attitude toward doping.

Conclusions: Both male and female collegiate athletes tend to forgive drug abuse in sports in Japan. Conversely, although dietary supplement use in sports was suggested by both male and female athletes, female athletes did not use the supplements. Therefore, systematic interventions should be designed to provide anti-doping and anti-drug abuse education in sports to avoid drug abuse.

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