
Progrès dans le recyclage et la gestion des déchets

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Evaluating the Performance of 3Rs Waste Practices: Case Study-Region One Municipality of Tehran


Mehri Ahmadi

This paper presents an examining household participation in 3Rs waste practice and the reasons of nonparticipant residents in 3Rs waste practice of the Region One Municipality of Tehran, Iran, and provide suggestions for improving the MSWM system through formulation of local 3Rs waste strategies, particularly on separation at source and recycling activities of the residents of Region One Municipality of Tehran, Iran which will help to promote the sustainable waste management. A household survey using a self-completing questionnaire was done in Region One Municipality of Tehran. A sample of 486 households participated in the household survey. The study revealed that only 26% of the households take part in waste reduction activities and 20% in practice reuse and 29% in separation at source. The traffic lights coding system model for ranking performance 3Rs-Reduce, reuse, and recycle, the participation rate of households in the case study area in 3R performance ranked between low/medium categories. Overall, survey results in the case study area about barriers to household’s participation in 3Rs waste practice are categorised under the three main categorise, behavioural, awareness and situational barriers.

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