
Journal de communication de masse et de journalisme

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Journalisme Affaires publiques

Public affairs is a term used to describe an organisation’s relationship with stakeholders. These are individuals or groups with an interest in the organisation's affairs, such as politicians (MPs, MSPs, AMs, MLAs, MEPs), civil servants, customers and local communities, clients, shareholders, trade associations, think tanks, business groups, charities, unions and the media.

Related Journals of Journalism Public Affairs

Political Sciences & Public Affairs International Journal of Journalism & Mass Communication,Communication Research,Human Communication Research,Communication Review,Political Communication,JournalismInformation Communication and Society,European Journal of Communication,Journal of Media Psychology,Communication Methods and Measures,Media Psychology,Media, Culture and Society,Journalism Studies,Communication Theory,Communication Education,Discourse Studies,Written Communication,Internet Research,Popular Communication,Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly,Management Communication Quarterly,Journal of health communication,Communication Monographs,Mass Communication and Society,Speech Communication

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