Muhammad Aun, Ahmad Munir and Suleman Ali
With rising concerns of water scarcity and fast pace of industrialization of urban and rural land, it is immensely
important to conserve, recycle and reuse water resources to manage the aqua demands of growing society.
Chemical industry specifically textile industry is presumed to be one of the major contributors to the water pollution.
Major pollutants which are of carcinogenic nature have been discussed in the chapter above. With time, advance
research is being carried out in the field of water treatment. Some of the major techniques used in industry have
been discussed briefly in the chapter. As Chemical engineers we aim to devise an economical and practical waste
water treatment plant design to limit the hazardous effects caused by effluents of leather industry. We aim to bring
the concentration of textile effluents under the bar set by WHO (World Health Organization) and UNEP (United
Nations Environmental Pr; K\\; Kogram). Like many other industrial sectors a developing country like Pakistan need
\= lot of research and progress in areas of water recycling, reuse and treatment technologies
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