
Journal des affaires commerciales et financières

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Volume 5, Problème 3 (2016)

article de recherche

Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) in Pakistani Banking Secto r for Improving Overall Performance

Saeed MS* and Nasar A

The purpose of this paper is to study the implementation of CPI in the bank, and to analyse the merits and its effect on the competitiveness of banking in order to develop PBS (Processing Bank System). The theoretical structure, features and the functions of the CPI theory has progressed after the thorough investigation. Then a hybrid theoretical model of CPI-PBS was developed. The PBS dynamic optimisation system has been developed through the implementation of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) and then we put up an empirical example to indicate the performance of CPI model. Finally the research reached to the conclusions after the thorough analysis. Firstly, the implementation of CPI theory has a healthy impact to service industries, however, the appositeness and conceivability should be taken into account. Secondly, the amelioration of process in commercial banks is an effective, constant progressing process and we can achieve a good synergism effect that the imperative amalgamation of CPI theory and PBS thinking. Finally, it should be realised that the LSS alone was not sufficient and PBS should be considered. The idea and model of the CPI with the methodology of LSS should be combined. Then we identify the issues and steps of the implementation of CPI to management banks.

article de recherche

Determinants of Financial Self Sufficiency of Andhra Pradesh Microfinance Institutions

Kashif Beg

Microfinance aims to reduce poverty and generate profit by providing financial services to poor and unprivileged section of society. The southern state of Andhra Pradesh in India which is known as Mecca of Microfinance accounts for about 30% of the credit extended by MFIs. Andhra Pradesh Microfinance Crisis 2010 lead to the shutdown of many emerging and small MFIs and loss of loan portfolio rose to the extent of Rs 7,200 crore. Financial sustainability became very challenging issue for Microfinance institutions. This study uses cross sectional high quality panel data from MIX (Microfinance Information Exchange) market of 10 microfinance institutions of Andhra Pradesh, for the period 2005 to 2013 to examine the patterns of financial viability. This study employed pooled OLS model, fixed effect model and Random effect model of panel data in order to check consistency of results.

article de recherche

Who Regulates the Mobile Money Operations by Telco ’s? The Need for an Effective and Robust Legislative and Regulatory Framework in Ghana

Tagoe NA*

Ghana has evolved with the rest of the world in technological advancement. Mobile phones have so many peripheral merits besides phone calls and text messaging. Mobile Network Operators (MNO) has ventured into rendering financial services other than the usual mandate of providing telecommunication services. Mobile Money Operations (MMO) by the Telco’s in Ghana has become a tool to mobilize and encourage savings for the mostly unbanked populace of Ghana, and again as vehicle towards the ultimate aim of moving the economy into a cashless economy. However, there are unseemly implications if these activities of the Telco’s are not strongly regulated by the appropriate regulatory bodies. Telecommunication activities in Ghana are normally regulated by the National Communications Authority (NCA), apparently the financial services activities of Telco’s are beyond the purview of NCA and naturally falls within the mandate of the Bank of Ghana (BoG). This article seeks to implore the BOG to come out with a much stronger and robust legislative framework than what is currently available. The article compares and analyses some legislative frameworks of countries such as Nigeria, Kenya and Tanzania. Finally, the paper gives recommendations on regulating the MMO of Telco’s.

article de recherche

Finance Bank Zambia Plc Retail Customers' Perceptions of Service Quality

Machayi J and Ahmed EM*

The study examined the nature of factors that influence customer’s perception of service quality provided by Finance Bank Zambia Plc. is a private sector indigenous bank in the country. This is an analytical study based mainly on the primary data collected through a scientifically developed questionnaire and secondary information sources. Based on the outcomes originating from the literature review, this research has used a modified SERVQUAL scale. The questionnaire to customers was administered on a sample size of 357, chosen on a convenient basis across the branch network. These statistical methods used are as follows: frequencies - to describe the respondent’s characteristics; means - to identify level of perception (questionnaire statements); Independent-Samples T-Test - to identify the significance of differences in the means of retail customers and branch staff perceptions of service quality; factor analysis: to identify the differences between customers and bank branch staff in terms of the degree of importance they attached to various dimensions of service quality and Cronbach’s coefficient alpha test: to examine scale reliability and internal consistency. All factors namely tangibility, responsiveness, empathy, assurance, image, convenience reliability, access and ATM effectiveness qualified to be designated as important because their mean index scores were above 2 and 50% or more of respondents affirmed them to be either 4-very important or 3-important.

article de recherche

A New Management Healthcare Systems to Efficiently Reduce Healthcare Costs: Clinical Pharmaceutical Care, Medical Laboratory Imaging, Nuclear Medicine: A Synergy Instruments

Luisetto M*

ASHP Guidelines: Clinical pharmacy service, in which pharmacist provide direct patient care are important foundation for successful medication utilization management program focused on managing drug cost. The purpose of this work is to analyze the advantages played by ward clinical pharmacists as stabile members of medical equips with physicians, other healthcare professionals and nurse. Using the data obtained by diagnostic activity (medicine laboratory and imaging) to choose and monitor the therapy clinical pharmacist can reduce therapy costs in the same time improve patients clinical outcomes, and increase of patients quality of life and safety. The application of management and ICT principle can give significant reducing in healthcare process.

article de recherche

Role of a Project Manager in Managing Agile Projects

Soumita Banerjee*

With the advent of the agile project management methods, the role of a project manager has enhanced to satisfy the needs. The traditional project management principles are not enough to manage today’s large, complex projects. In this paper, we will review the role of a project manager in managing agile projects and how it is different from traditional project manager’s approaches. A comprehensive literature review on the changing roles of a project manager in an agile project is the theoretical foundation of the paper.

article de recherche

Sharing Economy and Healthcare Today: ICT, Knowledge, Skills, Projects, Practical Experience in Improving Clinical and Econom ic Outcomes

Luisetto M*

The aim of this work was to analyze the relationship between professional social media use and the healthcare in sharing economy time when used in healthcare field and specifically in pharmaceutical settings. The innovation introduced with biomedical databases has improved research works with rapid steps in all kind of scientific researches areas tools as Internet, search engines and professional social media in sharing economy time have brought a great development in the way of rapidly connecting with the professionals. The researchers and professionals all over the world in last two decades has been great possibility to sharing their experience more than past with improving in their results. So it is very interesting to see how they are playing a crucial role today healthcare through this rapid development. For example, LinkedIn, Slide share, Research gate, PubMed, YouTube, NCBI, Facebook, Skype etc. This has really brought a revolutionary change in the field. The possibility to bridge researchers and professionals; for example, with similar interests, discipline with more rapid development, never seen in last two decades. We think that using sharing economy instruments we can reduce healthcare costs about 30-40%.

Rapport de cas

An Investigation of Various Weighting Schemes for Portfolios

Tamiz M* and Azmi RA

This paper investigates methods for finding the proportion of funds (weights) invested in each asset in a portfolio that has been set up based on the decision maker’s choice of assets from a given set. These methods include, equal, ranked and return-based weights as well as Sharpe, Treynor, Markowitz and Goal Programming. The results show that using an optimization methodology produces a more reasonable portfolio with respect to risk and return. This is followed by Sharpe and Treynor methodologies. The weighting schemes experimented in this paper would enable investors to systematically establish the preferred weights for their investment portfolios.

article de recherche

Relationship between FDI and GDP: A Case Study of South Asian Countries

Baig MM, Kiran S and Bilal M*

The basic objective of this study is to compute the long run relationship between FDI and GDP for south ASIAN countries (Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India and Maldives). For this purpose, the FDI and GDP data of south Asian countries is collected for the period 1991-2012.the data was analyzed by using technique of unit root test, Johnson co-integration and granger causality test. The unit root test (ADF) augmented test confirmed that data is not stationary at level but it is stationary at first difference. The Result of co integration test indicates that there exist co-integration equations at the 0.05 level. The granger test shows that FDI and GDP in case of Nepal cause a unidirectional causality. The study will help and give guiding principle to policymaker and investor make scheme to prop up economic growth in Pakistan which is suffering from a high ratio of unemployment.

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