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Phytochemical Study and Antioxidant Activity of Some Anti-Diabetic Plants in the Wilaya of Mascara


Karima O, Righi S, Belhocin A, Mekness A, Meddah B and Tirtouil A

An ethno botanical survey of 40 individuals in the Wilaya of Mascara identified 40 medicinal plants used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Among these plants, Malva sylvestris, Olea europea sylvestris, Citrus aurantium have been selected. The objective of our work is the phytochemical study and the antioxidant activity of the 3 plants selected. The raw methanolic extracts of Malva sylvestris and their stems, Olea europea sylvestris and Citrus aurantium were obtained by the extraction method maceration. The quantitative determination of total polyphenols by the Folin Ciocaltieu method and the flavonoids in the presence of AlCl3, the total polyphenol content in Malva sylvestris and their stems, Olea europea sylvestris and Citrus aurantium represents 556.33 μg EAG/g MS and 443.33ug EAG/G Ms; 557.66 g EAG/g Ms 447.77 μg EAG/gMS. The content of flavonoids is 1032.33 μg EQer/g Ms 898.66ug EQer/g Ms 894.33, μg EQer/g Ms 1428.33 μgEQer/g MS. Antioxidant activity of the extracts prepared was measured by two methods. The first is the use of free radical 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and the second reducing power of FRAP iron. These methods show that these plants have good antioxidant activity.

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