Huaxian Zheng and Jeffrey Zheng
The chromosome is a carrier of genetic information. The number of somatic chromosomes in normal people is 23 pairs, and there have shapes and structures. It has been found that there are more than 100 kinds of chromosomal diseases caused by chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosome diseases can often cause miscarriage, congenital, congenital multiple malformations, cancer, etc. At present the research on chromosomal sequences has carried out. People have been looking for a suitable visualization model. In this type of visualization models, there is no problem of information degradation and data loss, and a complete chromosomal sequence distribution feature can be mapped. There are multiple sets of chromosomal sequences in species, and a comparative analysis is needed to find out some of the relationships between chromosomes in humans during evolution. In this paper, variant maps are used to illustrate the segmentation probability of the chromosome sequences of Homo sapiens and non-human primate species, distributions of different chromosomal sequence features are compared and analyzed by multiple two-dimension statistical probability maps.
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