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Effects of Integration of Computerized System and Digital Finance Services on Profitability and Client’s Satisfaction of Umurenge Sacco Program in Rwanda: A Case Study of Sacco Kanombe (2012-2015)


Jean Bosco Harelimana

The study on Effect of integration of computerized system and digital finance services on profitability and client’s satisfaction of Umurenge SACCO program in Rwanda was carried out within the period from 2012 to 2015. The purpose is to know whether the application of Computerized System and digital finance are related to profitability and clients’ satisfaction of KANOMBE SACCO. The sample for the study includes 75 employees of KANOMBE SACCO and its customers (149). The researcher used the universal sampling technique for data collection where primary and secondary data were considered. Various research works on computerized system and digital finance were consulted from microfinance journals, textbooks. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis in particular using SPSS. From findings, the study revealed that KANOMBE SACCO has been approached by people from various sectors mainly by farmers, traders who in total represent 71.8% of all clients, while 10.7% are government or private employed people. We also found that there is a positive relationship (r=0.926) between profitability indicators and client’s perception determinants. The deposits are correlated to net income at 92.6%. KANOMBE SACCO is accessed by low income earners in order to upgrade their standards of living; the integration of computerized system is a necessary condition for achieving Profitability of SACCO and client’s satisfaction.

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