Palmarudi Mappigau, Yunus Musa and Amraeni
The purpose of our study is to determine post adoption bahaviour of small scale farmers in practicing SRI. A method conducted surveys on 125 small scale farmers who adopted SRI at two regencies of South Sulawesi Province in Indonesia. The binary logit regression used to examine factors that have determine influence on the post adoption behavior. The factors included in the study are benefits of SRI, the ease of use SRI, skills and the knowledge and experience, entrepreneurship attitude, resources endowment, and social cultural. Our findings demonstrate that benefits of SRI, ease of use SRI, skills and knowledge and experience, and social culture were important determinant; and entrepreneurship attitude was very important determinant influencing post adoption behavior. While resources endowment was less important determinant. Thus, farmers who perceive gained benefits from SRI, eased of use SRI, needed skills and knowledge and experience, needed willingness to take risks and selfconfidence (entrepreneurship attitude), and needed social and culture supported to SRI practices have increased their propensity to continue with SRI. While farmers who perceive needed resources endowment from government support has increased their propensity to stop with SRI. This study makes some valuable contributions to the empirical study of post adoption behavior of small scale farmers in utilizing a technology continuously.
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