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Bladder Actinomycosis: Mimicking Tumour


Darren Ow, Kiran Manya, David Wetherell, Mahesha Weerakoon, Koonj Beharry B, Ania Sliwinski, David Clouston, Jane Mc Neilage, Damien Bolton and Nathan Lawrentschuk

Actinomycosis is a chronic, granulomatous disease caused by the actinomyces species, most commonly, Actinomyces israelii. Primary actinomycosis of the bladder is rare and is usually associated with abdomino-pelvic infection and prolonged use of Intrauterine Device (IUD). On imaging, it can often be mistaken for a malignancy. We report a case of a 55-year-old female with weight loss, anaemia and chronic pelvic discharge with a history of a retained IUD. An initial Computerized Tomography (CT) revealed an adnexal mass that was pelvically resected. A rigid cystoscopy was then performed and an incidental posterior bladder wall mass revealed actinomycosis

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