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Volume 10, Problème 9 (2022)

article de recherche

The Impact of Remittances on the Living Conditions of Households (Evidence from Kebri Dehar City, Ethiopia): Propensity Score Matching Model (PSM)

Walelign Amenu Zeleke*

A good life cannot be achieved without having good living conditions. So the general objective of this study was to analyze the impact of remittances on the living conditions of remittances receiving households, in Kebri Dehar city. Propensity score matching using probit regression model used to examine for this study. The household living condition can be measured with different outcome indicators namely household income, household consumption expenditure, and household food expenditure for remittance receiver and non-receiver households. The findings revealed that remittances significantly improve household income, consumption, and food expenditures for recipients in comparison with non-recipients. Primary data was collected on household questionnaires with 384 sample respondents drawn from both remittances receiving and non-remittance receiving households using cross-sectional data in Kebri Dehar city. To find those migrants’ remittances could improve the living conditions of households in Kebri Dehar city and affect negatively the incidence of poverty. Generally, the results show a positive and significant impact of remittances on the living condition of households. Hence, support increasing arguments that the government, as well as other concerned stakeholders, should effectively work on easing the remittance sending process and cost, so as to better extract the well-being benefit of migrant remittances.


Cointegration and Causality of Energy and Grain Prices

Daniel Armeanu

Oil, natural gas, and/or coal have historically been linked to grain markets because they are used as inputs for fertiliser production or transportation costs. The recent rise in energy prices in response to significant events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict has refocused researchers' attention. The goal of this paper is to use time series models to assess any changes in the relationships between crude oil, natural gas and grain prices, which will contribute to a review of the fuel-food relationship. Several techniques (Zivot-Andrews and Clemente, Montaés, Reyes unit root tests, Johansen's cointegration test, Toda-Yamamoto time domain causality test with time dummy variables for structural breaks and Hatemi-J asymmetric causality test) are used to account for structural breaks and regime shifts data spanning the years January 1982 to September 2022 The main conclusion is that, in light of recent developments in the respective markets, the neutrality hypothesis remains valid.


A Time Series Analysis of Spanish Judicial Foreclosures

Daniel Armeanu

The global financial crisis, Spain experienced an unprecedented wave of foreclosures and evictions. The Great Recession that followed had serious economic, social, and environmental consequences. The frequency of permanent shocks in foreclosure quarterly rates is investigated in this paper. We investigate whether the foreclosure rate is a stationary series, a unit root, or stationary around a process with structural breaks. This analysis clearly shows that not all shocks have transitory effects on the foreclosure rate. The percentage of unit root rejections is around 40%, indicating both stationarity around occasional shocks with long-term effects and a unit root in which all shocks have a long-term effect on the foreclosure rate. We also look for r unit roots that permit the presence of one or two structural breaks .The majority of structural breaks are positive, and the majority of them occur after 2008, coinciding with the financial crisis and the subsequent collapse of the Spanish housing bubble. We also discover a later decrease in foreclosures in some regions, which can be attributed to the effectiveness of the 2012 Code of Good Practice for banks and financial institutions. In any case, the level of the foreclosure rate time series has not returned to levels.

Article de révision

Mapping and Spatial Distribution of Socio-Economic Indicators for MENA Countries: Comparative Analyzes Before and During COVID-19

Abderraouf Mtiraoui*, Slim Aliouet, Najoua Talbi and Adel Krieam

The purpose of this paper is to study comparative analyzes between two different situations, namely the situation before the COVID-19 epidemic and during the COVID-19. We have tried to present in a cartography the spatial distribution for the majority of MENA countries while showing the evolution of some socio-economic indicators namely education, health, GDP growth during the years 2017 and 2020.

Article de révision

Liberalization of International Trade and Sectoral economic Growth in Tunisia: Empirical Evidence by the ARDL Approach

Abderraouf Mtiraoui* and Najoua Talbi

The objective of this article is the empirical study between international trade and sectoral growth over the period from 1975 to 2018. Using control variables chosen during a reading of the theoretical and empirical review of the determinants of economic growth in the context of answering to the problem posed for the case of Tunisia. The liberalization of international trade can improve the competitiveness of tradable goods and services and therefore stimulate short-term sectoral growth, which will be verified in the long term while using a new technique from ARDL.

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