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Volume 8, Problème 4 (2022)


Clinical psychology is an applied evolutionary science

Roberto Maniglio

Clinical psychology and evolutionary science have always had a limited interaction. The state of such link is examined in this article in light of a current multi-dimensional and multi-level extended evolutionary method. Evolution may be purposeful and even conscious and evolutionary ideas can provide direction and consilience to clinical psychology, particularly as it focuses more on transition processes. The timing appears to be right to regard clinical psychology as an applied evolutionary science. A focus on morality in collective action movements is one topic of inquiry that has resurfaced in the recent decade. Recent psychology research reveal that moral duty to act, rather than simply moral principles or convictions advocated by the movement, is a crucial predictor of participation in collective action demonstrations.


Creativity's Neuropsychology

Michael Maes

The neuropsychological method has been critical in providing significant discoveries that have allowed for a better understanding of the human mind and its operations. Despite the potential of this technique and the distinct viewpoint it provides, it has only been used in a small number of studies on creative cognition. This paper provides a brief overview of three methodologies used in the neuropsychology of creativity: single case studies, case series investigations on neurological populations and case series investigations on psychiatric populations, as well as highlights some of the key findings from each approach. The goal is to establish a case for the usefulness of the neuropsychological method in gaining a deeper understanding of the creative mind.


The COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil and the Psychological Symptoms Identified by Browns and Blacks

Breno Bezerra de Andrade* and Silvana Batista Gaino

The existing inequalities in Brazil mean that there are greater vulnerabilities in certain regions and ethnic groups. Studies indicate that due to the lack of investments in the public health system and the large concentration of populations in slums and peripheries without basic sanitation and drinking water, the spread of COVID-19 has grown alarmingly. The repetition of the holocaust of indigenous, brown and black people makes evident the disintegration of a social system that is said to be globalized. Statistics published in April indicated that when the race/color variable was considered, browns and blacks accounted for 37.4% of hospitalizations and 45.2% of deaths. However, the mandatory inclusion of data related to the color of victims in pandemic deaths has not been respected even though it is pointed out that the adequate collection of information is essential for the establishment of protocols for mobilization and treatment of the population, as well as for containing the spread of the disease. The viruses and the formulation of public policies. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychological symptoms identified by browns and blacks during the critical period of pandemic, in the months of May and June 2020.

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