Takeshi Murakoshi*,Hiroo Naruse,Satoru Nakayama,Yuichi Torii
Aims: Fetoscopic laser surgery has been widely accepted of optimal treatment for Twin-Twin Transfusion
Syndrome (TTTS) in monochorionic twin pregnancies. To avoid surgical complication and to improve the outcome, various techniques employed in our institution. The aim of our study is to assess the clinical outcomes of TTTS after laser surgery with combined various techniques. Methods: We performed 171 cases of fetoscopic laser surgery for TTTS from 2002 to 2011 in our institution. Various techniques employed in our studies to improve the learning of laser surgery and to achieve successful outcome were; (1) A very thorough mapping of vascular anastomoses before and after ablation; (2) Obliteration of arterio-venous anastomoses from donor to recipient should be done first, (3) Trocar assisted technique using gentle indent the trocar withdrawing the scope shortly, to ablate anastomoses easily, (4) A virtual line was drawn by laser at the hemodynamic equator to avoid residual anastomoses, and not to miss small anastomoses. Results: Laser photocoagulation was performed since 2002 in our institute, compiling 171 cases. Overall survival was 78% with 5% neonatal morbidity. Both twins survived for 64%, and the survival of one twin was 93%. The recurrent TTTS rate was 1%, and the residual vessel rate was 2%. Conclusion: A successful outcome for fetoscopic laser surgery is achievable and the outcome is improved in severe TTTS cases by these techniques.
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