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Systems Psyche: Its Structure, Operation and Possible Molecular Links


Mukhopadhyay AK*

The psyche stands, connects and operates in between consciousness and matter. Traditionally, the psyche has been considered to have a monolithic structure composed of mind or consciousness. From a robust common sense experience and from the experience of those engaged in inward Olympics with mind this paper theoretically dissects the constituent member of the psyche and their autonomous operations and interaction. From the insight of its polylithic character the paper develops a new description of Systems Psyche. Sandwiched between consciousness and matter the model comprises of a complex relational matrix, a stratified, hierarchically nested labyrinthine structure and process. The probable footprints of the operations at molecular synaptic level have been suggested, which merit further research for developing a concrete picture. These molecular connections could emerge as the basis of developing a systems science accommodating systems biology with systems psychology while consciousness remains active at the top. A beneficial spin off is a new way of classifying psychological and psychiatric disorders.

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