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Spontaneous Knotting of a Foley Catheter in the Urinary Bladder: A Case Report


Menbeu Sulta*

Urinary bladder catheterization and drainage are the commonly done procedures in hospitalized patients. We are reporting a rare occurrence of spontaneous knotting of a Foley catheter in a 10 year’s old agitated boy after 12 h of successful catheterization and adequate drainage. Trans-abdominal ultrasound-guided suprapubic puncture of the none deflating Foley catheter balloon followed by gentle and sustained traction was used to remove the spontaneously knotted Foley catheter inside the urinary bladder. We recommend health care providers should consider spontaneous knotting of Foley catheter as cause of none draining Foley catheter. Securing the catheter and control of agitation can prevent this complication.

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