Tong Wei, Christophe Roche, Maria Papadopoulou and Yangli Jia
This paper presents the basic theory and methodology underlying the building of multilingual terminological e-dictionary in the domain of cultural heritage. A multilingual terminological e-dictionary is broadly defined as a reference resource that gathers, structures and describes in a systematic way linguistic data in a specific domain, by means of concepts (extralinguistic information) denoted by terms (linguistic information). The aim is to define cultural heritage terminology based on ontology. The results are: 1) a multilingual terminology e-dictionary in cultural heritage; 2) a new tool-assisted methodology for humanities scholars to build a multilingual terminology e-dictionary. In the context of digital humanities, it is believed that such an approach also contributes to the drafting of well- structured and more logically consistent definitions in natural language for specialized communication purposes.
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