Kim-ir-sen dos Santos Teixeira, Luiz Alves Ferreira Filho, Lara Saraiva Mori, Andressa Moreira Lemes and Vanessa Assuncao Peixoto
There are 2 major subtypes of CNS lymphoma: secondary CNS lymphoma (involvement of the CNS by systemic lymphoma) and Primary CNS Lymphoma (PCNSL). Two-thirds of secondary CNS lymphomas have leptomeningeal involvement, while parenchymal CNS lymphoma represents one-third of secondary CNS lymphomas and almost 100% of PCNSLs. We present a case of a 49-year-old male patient that was diagnosed with systemic lymphoma that presented initially with neurological symptoms (secondary CNS lymphoma). Lymphoma comprises a heterogeneous group of diseases; important advances have been made in diagnosis and treatment. Imaging features may help distinguish between primary and secondary CNS lymphoma, playing an important role in planning therapy and prognostication.
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