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Journal de la science et de l'ingénierie textiles

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New Method for In-situ Measurement of Pore Size Deformation of Barrier Textiles under Biaxial Loading


Kocaman RT, Malik SA, Aibibu D, Gereke T and Cherif C

The pore size is one of the vital morphological characteristics of barrier fabrics as it decisively affects their permeability and retention properties. Apart from fabric construction and material aspects, the pore size also depends on applied mechanical loads, which occur during typical usage life cycles. Among others, barrier fabrics such as surgical gowns are exposed to loads during their use. These loads have a significant effect on the fabric morphology which influences the permeability properties as well. In this study, a newly developed in situ pore size measurement method was used to measure the changes in pore size that occur in high density barrier woven fabrics under biaxial loadings and after cyclic loading. It was observed that, under tension, pore size distributions changed and mean flow pore sizes increased. Results revealed that the developed in situ measurement method has a great potential for the determination of pore size changes in barrier textiles under biaxial loading.

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