
Journal sur le SIDA et la recherche clinique

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Knowledge of Cervical Cancer among Zimbabwean Women on Anti RetroViral Therapy 2012


Kufakwanguzvarova W Pomerai and Mary Muchekez and Nyachowe C

Introduction: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women worldwide. 80% of cases occur in low-income countries. In Zimbabwe 7000 women are diagnosed of cervical cancer annually and about 1300 of these are treated with radiotherapy. This study was conducted to asses knowledge of cervical cancer among ART patients in Mberengwa district 2012

Materials and methods: A descriptive study was conducted among female ART patients in Mberengwa District Zimbabwe. Simple random sampling was used to select participants using ART register as sampling frame. Sample size was calculated using the dopson formula. Ninety six participants were required. Knowledge of cervical cancer was assessed through knowledge of cardinal signs and symptoms of the cancer. A pre tested interviewer administered questionnaire was used. Observations were also used to asses availability of case definition for cervical cancer. Record reviews of health education session at health facilities was also done Epi info was used to analyse data. Written consent was sought from all participants. Permission to carry out study was granted from the Ministry of Health.

Results: Ninety six patients were recruited . (18.5%) did not attend primary school; none had been offered cervical cancer screening. (75%) did not know what is cervical cancer was, (97.9%) did not know prevention strategies for cervical cancer, (70%) reported that they were not susceptible to cervical cancer and (38.1%) reported that cervical cancer does not kill. Reported signs and symptoms of cervical cancer included; bleeding per vagina (8.6%), pain in lower abdomen (19.8%) . Other causes of cervical cancer that were reported were; witchcraft (31.2%), or curse (37.5%). There were no cervical cancer case definitions in the health centres

Discussion and conclusion: Knowledge of cervical cancer among participants was low. There is need for health education, promotion and awareness on cervical cancer as well as provision of case definition for cervical cancer in all health institutions in the district.

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