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Intervention Social Support on Patients of CA. Cervix at Vina Estetika Hospital Medan


Namora Lumongga Lubis and Hasnida Hasan

This research aims to identify the effect of Social Support (SS) intervention on the increase in the level of self-esteem and a decrease in the level of depression among cancer patients in Medan, Indonesia. The research that carried out is quantitative study. The quantitative study is applied to know the self-esteem scoring by Self- Esteem Rosenberg scale (RSE) and to know the depression score using Beck Depression Inventory scale (BDI). A quantitative analysis uses to know the interaction between intervention toward self-esteem and depression in groups. The groups consist of two groups: 10 people in SS group and eight people in Control group. T-test dependent results showed that the Self Esteem Rosenberg scale (RSE), on average, post-test score show greater self-esteem than pre-test score. Negative t value indicates that the average self-esteem of participants is lower than their self-esteem after obtaining social support interventions. This study shows that social support interventions significantly influence cancer patients to improve self-esteem and lower levels of depression. Although both have a significant influence to cancer patients, it turns out in this study social support interventions are much more effective in reducing levels of depression than by raising the self-esteem of participants.

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