
Toxicologie environnementale et analytique

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Interaction of Selected Minerals with Organic Pollutants: Effects of Phyto-Assisted Bioremediation Using Vigna Subterranea


Nwaichi EO*,Onyeike EN

Soils contaminated with hydrocarbons are a serious problem in Nigeria and 70% of such soils are distributed in the Niger Delta. This pot experiment was conducted to determine the interactions of selected soil minerals with organic contaminants from oil spill site. V. subterranean, which potential for stimulating the biodegradation processes of petroleum hydrocarbons was established was employed under the application of two fertilizer types. Iron concentrations were greater than maximum permissible levels, MPL for plants grown in contaminated soil and showed significant variation (p > 0.05) compared to control. Poor zinc concentrations in oil –stressed regimes decreases ear size, slowed growth and maturity of specie. Both iron and manganese became less available at pH > 7 in the absence of organic matter and water (dehydrated due to oil – stress). Concentration of available P was sensitive to soil pH and was more available to Poultry manure – amended soil as pH correction was evident. Plant tissue analyses revealed significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher increases in accumulation, in comparison with those grown in unpolluted (Control) regimes. Also, soils depleted mineral nutrients were replenished (> 30%) by test plant and best practice. These results indicated that soil minerals affect the dynamics and transformations of organic materials and metabolic processes even in a stressed soil type with modifications due to clean-up.

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