Ashish Tank and Arun Vyas
Water is among the most precious of natural resources available on our mother Earth. Groundwater is the portion of the Earth's water cycle that flows underground. Groundwater originates from precipitation that percolates into the ground. Percolation is the flow of water through soil and porous/fractured rock. Groundwater is the primary source of potable water supply in rural India. The water table separates the saturated, or aquifer zone, from the unsaturated or vadose zone, where the water does not fill all the voids or spaces in the soil or rock.
The study area of Makrana block is located in the south-eastern part of Nagaur district of Rajasthan covering about 1140 sq. km. area. The study area experiences arid to semi-arid type of climate. Mean annual rainfall of the district is 414 mm whereas normal rainfall is lower than average rainfall. The annual maximum potential evapotranspiration in the district is quite high and highest 255.1 mm in the month of May and lowest 76.5 mm in the month of December.
Surface run off is insignificant and is of short duration in the study area. Older alluvium, Quaternary Alluvium and Schist are important aquifers occur in Makrana block. Groundwater quality varies widely in Makrana block. Depth of water varies considerably in the block. High concentration of Nitrate and fluoride are major quality problem associated with groundwater.
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