
Journal de santé et d'informatique médicale

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Global Statistics of Perinatal Medicine


Kazuo Maeda*

 Aim: To clarify improvements in maternal and perinatal mortalities in the world.

Methods: Calculation of UNICEF data, quotation of reference and statistical analysis. Results: Global maternal mortality was slightly improved; along with the increase of countries of maternal mortality lower than 20, while the mean global mortality more than 20 was unchanged, and the highest maternal mortality were 2,000. Maternal mortality was high in high total fertility rate and low when total fertility rate was less than 3. Maternal mortality was high when less than 5, mortality was high. Maternal mortality was reported to be significantly lower when the birth space was 36 or more months. Perinatal mortality was reported only in limited countries, while the mortality was closely correlated to maternal mortality. Thus, perinatal mortality was estimated from maternal mortality, where mild improvement was noted in the increase of countries of low estimated mortality, and the peak of estimated perinatal mortality decreased from 130 to 120. Conclusion: Maternal mortality was slightly improved, but it was unchanged in high mortality countries. The mortality was low in low total fertility rate. Perinatal mortality was estimated from maternal mortality, because they were closely correlated.

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