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Follic mucinosis was discovered in patients with hematologic malignancies other than mycosis fungoides, according to a clinicopathologic study.


Ajay Rajput

FM is a rare idiopathic skin condition that typically manifests as infiltrated plaques, nodules, hypopigmented or erythematous patches, and eshcolored follicular papules. Alopecia areata-like symptoms, scarring alopecia, folliculitis, acneiform eruptions, linear lesions that follow Blaschko lines and urticaria-like follicular mucinosis are examples of unusual presentations. In primary FM, the face, head, and neck are frequently affected, whereas the trunk and extremities exhibit extensive lesions. Clinical characteristics, however, are insufficiently specific to discriminate between the secondary form linked to mycosis fungoides and the benign main type. Follow-up is therefore crucial. On the right side of her forehead, a 16-yearold girl had a steadily expanding, erythematous, somewhat irritating patch for the previous two years. The patient's family history and previous medical history were both normal.

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