
Journal de santé et d'informatique médicale

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Exploratory Factor Analysis of User’s Compliance Behaviour towards Health Information System’s Security


Norshima Humaidi*,Vimala Balakrishnan

 One of the main problems in information security was human error due to improper human behaviour. Therefore, this preliminary study was conducted with aims to identify possible factors that can affect user’s compliance behaviour towards information security in terms of two aspects: management support and security technology. Two theories were integrated for development of research framework: I) Theory of Planned Behaviour; II) Theory of Acceptance Model. The respondents of this study were the health professionals and IT officers whereby 42 questionnaires were obtained and verified. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) results revealed that the six factors were obtained: Transactional_Leadership_ Style, Transformational_Leadership_Style, ISP_Training_Support, PU_Security, PU_Security-Countermeasure and PEOU_ISPs. The higher loadings signalled the correlations of the indicated items with the factors on which they were loaded with each of the correspondence factors achieving score of alpha value above 0.80. According to the descriptive analysis, most of the respondents are agreed with all the indicated factors. The preliminary study facilitates researcher in developing new model that integrates TPB and TAM that can be used to increase knowledge of user’s compliance behaviour towards health information system’s security.

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