Abd-Elgabar MAE
Aim: This study aimed to assess the effect of nursing intervention protocol on the severity of dysphagia among recently stroke patients. Study Design: A Quasi experimental design. Setting: The study was conducted at the neuro-critical care units at said jalal hospital. Study subjects: 60 patients complain of stroke within the first month was included in the study and divided randomly into two equal groups 30 patients for each one for application of the intervention (study group) and other receiving the routine hospital care (control group). Data collection tools: interview questionnaire sheet including demographic characteristics and assessment of the patients history and Gugging swallowing screen. Result: Highly statistically significant difference in the severity of dysphagia between study and control group patients. Conclusion: the implementation of nursing intervention protocol was effective in improving the severity of dysphagia. It is recommended to generalize intervention protocol in the routine hospital care.
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