
Journal de recherche et de développement en éducation à la santé

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Comparing Role Playing and Lecture Training in Use of Permethrin Shampoo, on Pediculosis Treatment of Elementary School Girls


Tayebeh Samieizadeh Toosi

Introduction: The development of a society depends on public health of its people. In cases threatening public health, external parasites is still a health problem arises. Prevalence of head lice in children 6-12 years and primary schools developed countries is 10.2 percent. On the other hand there is also a problem in developing countries shampoo permethrin in the treatment of head lice are commonly used, often by health care providers were available, patients are taught how to use it. This study aimed to compare the effect of role playing and lectures on how to use permethrin shampoo on the treatment of female primary school students with Pediculosis was Iranshahr
Methods: This study was semi-experimental clinical trial in which 500 students with Pediculosis girls’ primary schools in six districts of the city of Iranshahr participated and were randomly assigned to two groups of 250 lectures and role shampoos containing permethrin consumption by health experts schools were taught in classes of 10 students. Questionnaire Include questions about individual and family behavior, demographic, and health documents of interviews of students completed. After two weeks of treatment, subjects in the examination and comparison of the results in the two groups were recorded in a questionnaire. All 18 spss software using descriptive and inferential statistics (frequency and percentage) t T test and chi-square tests were analyzed.
Results: Students with an average age of 50/1 ± 05/9 year, most of them first-grade 8/21% and their average 31/2 ± 4/17 respectively. The two groups in terms of level of education, father’s occupation, parents’ education, income, length of hair, itching, hair, bathe and comb woman hair were not significantly different times and were equal. Two weeks after using the shampoo treatment in the Department of roles 5/71% 5/28% and lecture groups and the chi-square test, this difference was significant too (p=0/00).
Conclusion: Educational method greatly contributes to more effective use shampoo permethrin in lice treatment is speech. Better school health educators in their educational programs, from dynamic and consistent with the goal of changing behavior that provokes active participation of learners in the learning process use. Role Playing use shampoo anti-lice used to training in the treatment of head lice in schools achieved better results.

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