Feroz Agad
Breast cancer makes up approximately 25% of all newly diagnosed cancers in women globally and is the second most common cancer in the world today. With the rates of newly diagnosed cancer cases, increasing globally and cancer being amongst the world???s leading cause of death, the question arises, what must the global community do to win the fight against cancer? In order to tackle the issue at hand, the field of oncology care is rapidly evolving with many organizations and institutions investing heavily in various advancing technologies and treatment modalities. With the availability of knowledge and information on different treatment modalities readily available online, many patients are well informed of the treatment options available. However, not all cancer centers are able to provide the most up to date treatment due to financial constraints and often times lack of expertise in niche treatment deliveries. Our industry has reached a point of inflection and the need for integrated collaboration across facilities is more important today than it has ever been. The issue for many facilities is the fear of loss of revenue to competing centers and the lack of ability to invest in the ever-evolving treatment modalities, which can lead to sub-optimal clinical outcomes for the patients. This presentation focuses on the need for integrated collaboration and the importance of working together across facilities as opposed to competing against one another. The discussion centers around three key areas are: (1) Understanding the various treatment modalities, (2) fostering an environment for each group of physicians and their specialties, and (3) building an integrated care network. The various successful models that have been implemented in order to ensure the best clinical outcomes for the patients, giving them access to the latest cutting edge treatment throughout the world will be a part of the presentation.
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