
Toxicologie environnementale et analytique

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An Immunoinformatics Approach to Design Synthetic Peptide Vaccine from Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis Dendrotoxin-K(DTX-K)


Changbhale S.S,Chitlange N.R,Gomase V.S*,Kale K.V

Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis is the most toxic snake commonly known as black mamba, the black mamba venom contains Dendrotoxin-K which is highly specific and virulently toxic protein. Antigenic peptides of Dendrotoxin toxic protein are most suitable for peptide vaccine development because with single epitope, the immune response can be generated in large population. Analysis shows MHC class II binding peptides of antigenic protein from Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis DTX-K are important determinant for protection against several venom toxins. In this assay we predicted the binding affinity of Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis DTX-K protein having 79 amino acids, which shows71nonamers. In this analysis, we found the High affinity TAP Transporter peptide regions as, 37-KRKIPSFYY(score-9.550), 45-YKWKAKQCL (Score-8.581) 36-CKRKIPSFY (Score-7.685), 24-AKYCKLPLR (Score-7.669), 42-SFYYKWKAK (Score-6.859), 31-LRIGPCKRK (Score-6.848) 65-NRFKTIEEC (Score-6.698), 25-KYCKLPLRI (Score-6.632), 49-AKQCLPFDY (Score-6.576), 66-RFKTIEECR (Score-6.464), 47-WKAKQCLPF (Score-6.197), 23-AAKYCKLPL (Score-6.166). We also found the SVM based MHCII-IAb peptide regions, 61-GGNANRFKT, 12-TLWAELTPV, 41-PSFYYKWKA, 25-KYCKLPLRI (optimal score is 0.946); MHCII-IAd peptide regions, 2-GHLLLLLGL, 57-SGCGGNAN, 3-HLLLLLGLL, 1-SGHLLLLLG (optimal score is 0.488); MHCII-IAg7 peptide regions 60-CGGNANRFK, 21-SGAAKYCKL, 61-GGNANRFKT, 20-VSGAAKYCK (optimal score is 1.468); and MHCII-RT1.B peptide regions 46-KWKAKQCLP, 24-AKYCKLPLR, 10-LLTLWAELT, 45-YKWKAKQCL (optimal score is 0.569) which represented predicted binders from dendrotoxin. The method integrates prediction of peptide MHC class I binding; proteasomal C terminal cleavage and TAP transport efficiency of the Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis DTX-K. Thus a small fragment of antigen can induce immune response against whole antigen. This theme is implemented in designing subunit and synthetic peptide vaccines.

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